Upcoming Events
Our in-person rehearsals are at:
St. Mark's Episcopal Church Rehearsal Hall
14646 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91405
Every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 9pm
If you enjoy singing and you'd like to check us out,
contact dianala@roadrunner.com or
for details and safety protocol
RiverOaks Chorus annual show, 2:00 pm -- Hall of Crucifixion/Resurrection, 1712 S Glendale Ave, Glendale, CA; $20 suggested donation
And an INCREDIBLE Silent Auction you WON'T want to miss!
Keep checking back! Exciting events happening all the time!

Art's Deli
Centanni - Burbank
Creative Touch Dental The Local Peasant
Nat's Early Bite
Marika Negrea (Manicurist)
at Paul & Marc Hair Salon